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UNESCO Thesaurus

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The UNESCO Thesaurus is a controlled and structured list of terms used in subject analysis and retrieval of documents and publications in the fields of education, culture, natural sciences, social and human sciences, communication and information.

The Thesaurus is structured into seven major subject fields, or domains, broken down into microthesauri which allow you to gain a quick overview of the subject matter.

Meaning of symbols

  • SN - Scope Note: if present, provides an explanation on using the given descriptor.
  • MT - Microthesaurus: indicates number and name of microthesaurus to which the descriptor belongs.
  • UF - Used For: indicates one or more non-descriptors, i.e.synonyms or near-synonyms of a given descriptor.
  • BT - Broader Term: indicates one or more generic, or parent descriptors, i.e. one level higher in the thesaurus structure.
  • NT - Narrower Term: indicates one or more specific, or child descriptors, i.e. one level lower in the thesaurus structure.
  • RT - Related Term: indicates one or more related descriptors.

Contact: Juan Antonio Pastor Sánchez - pastor@um.es

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